Find what you want by performing a Boolean search using Advanced Google Search Operators!
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Google Search Operators List – Boolean Search Guide


Perform Custom BOOLEAN Search using Advanced Operators

Boolean search enhances precision and efficiency by using operators like AND, OR, and NOT to filter results. This method refines searches, saves time, and targets specific information, making it ideal for research, recruitment, and digital marketing strategies

Basic Operators

# Operator Description
1 " " Allows searching for a specific phrase - exact match search. Individual word prevents synonyms
2 OR Boolean search function for OR searches as Google defaults to AND between words - must be all caps
3 | Implements OR
4 () Allows grouping of operators and helps dictate order
5 - Excludes a word from results
6 * Acts as a wildcard and will match any word or phrase
7 #..# # represents a number in this instance. Use to find numbers in a series.
8 $ Allows for search of USD
9 Allows for search of Euro
10 in Allows searches for unit conversion (currency, unit or measure)
11 ~ Prefix - Include synonyms (potentially defunct)
12 + Prefix - Force exact match on single phrase

Advanced Operators

# Operator Description
11 site: Limit results to a specific site
12 filetype: Search for specific file types
13 ext: Same as filetype:
14 intitle: Find pages with specific words in the title
15 allintitle: Find pages with all specified words in the title
16 inurl: Find pages with specific words in the URL
17 allinurl: Find pages with all specified words in the URL
18 intext: Find pages with specific words in their content
19 allintext: Find pages with all specified words in their content
20 AROUND(X) Find pages where two words are within X words of each other
21 weather: Get weather information for a location
22 stocks: Get stock information for a specific ticker symbol
23 map: Force Google map results for a query
24 movie: Find information about a specific movie
25 source: Find news from a specific source
26 define: Get the definition of a word or phrase
27 cache: View Google's cached version of a page
28 related: Find sites related to a given domain
29 info: Get information about a webpage
30 location: Find results from a specific location
31 inposttitle: Find pages with keywords in their post titles
32 blogurl: Find blog URLs under a specific domain

Mail Operators

# Operator Description
33 from: Specify the sender in Google Mail
34 to: Specify the recipient in Google Mail
35 cc: Search by a recipient that was copied into an email
36 bcc: Search by a recipient that was blind copied into an email
37 subject: Search by keywords in the subject line
38 label: Search for messages with a certain label
39 has:attachment Search for messages with attachments
40 has:drive Search for messages with Google Drive attachments
41 has:document Search for messages with Google Docs attachments
42 has:spreadsheet Search for messages with Google Sheets attachments
43 has:presentation Search for messages with Google Slides attachments
44 has:youtube Search for messages containing YouTube videos
45 list: Search for messages from a specific mailing list
46 filename: Search for messages with specific file attachments
47 in:anywhere Search in all mail folders, including Spam and Trash
48 is:important Search for messages marked as important
49 is:snoozed Search for snoozed messages
50 is:unread Search for unread messages
51 is:read Search for read messages
52 older: Search for messages older than a specific date
53 newer: Search for messages newer than a specific date
54 is:chat Search for chat messages
55 deliveredto: Search by email address for delivered messages
56 category: Search messages by category (e.g., primary, social)
57 size: Search for messages larger than a specific size
58 larger: Same as size:
59 smaller: Search for messages smaller than a specific size
60 has:userlabels Search for messages with custom user labels
61 has:nouserlabels Search for messages without custom user labels

Drive Operators

# Operator Description
62 type: Search Drive by file type
63 owner: Search Drive by owner of file or folder
64 to: Search Drive for files shared with a specific person
65 title: Search Drive for files with specific words in the title
66 source:domain Search for files shared with everyone in your organization
67 is:trashed Search for items in the Drive trash
68 is:starred Search for starred items in Drive

Utility Operators

# Operator Description
69 weather: Get weather information for a location
70 stocks: Get stock information for a specific ticker symbol
71 map: Show map for a location
72 movie: Find information about a movie
73 flight status Check flight status
74 track package Track a package
75 timer Set a countdown timer
76 stopwatch Use a stopwatch
77 flip a coin Simulate a coin flip
78 roll a die Simulate rolling a die
79 calculator Use Google's calculator
80 unit converter Convert units of measurement
81 color picker Use Google's color picker tool
82 translate Translate text between languages
83 time Check the time in different locations
84 tip calculator Calculate tips for restaurants
85 sunrise Check sunrise times for a location
86 has:nouserlabels Search for messages that have no custom user labels
87 has:spreadsheet Search for messages with Google Sheets attachments
88 has:presentation Search for messages with Google Slides attachments
89 {} Use for OR in mail instead of the OR function
90 AROUND Similar to the normal Google search function, allows you to search for keywords near each other in Mail

Deprecated or Potentially Unreliable Operators

# Operator Description
91 ~ Include synonyms (potentially defunct)
92 + Force exact match on single words (deprecated)
93 daterange: Return results in a specified range (requires Julian dates)
94 link: Find pages that link to the target domain
95 blogurl: Find blog URLs under a specific domain
96 loc: Returns results for a specific location